Hello! I have officially finished updating my blog! I'm only starting a new way of sending of emails to my subscribers! I'm going to be naming you the VIP Pumpkin Squad!
In these newsletters you will be getting videos and blog posts of DIY's, any updates, you'll see pictures from my Instagram and you will be getting freebies twice a month like the ones I'm offering in this post! You will also be one of the first to know when my Etsy shop is open.
I was also thinking about adding some different content instead of just doing DIY's but who knows where my blogging and YouTube journey will take me.
The new url for my blog is this: https://www.pumpkinemily.com
My old url still works for this blog.
Also I have a Terms of Use and Privacy Policy page now. So if you don't like the policies on my blog please leave my blog. If something doesn't make sense please contact me at: pumpkinemilysmiles@gmail.com
Click here to read my Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
How to get these wallpapers:
If you have subscribed a long time ago to the past emails that I was sending with RSS feed, you will have two choices. Unsubscribe from the emails (there's a link at the bottom to unsubscribe from) Then you will need to subscribe with the sign up form in this post, the form after the post or the form in the sidebar.
Your second option is to be subscribed to both if you want but I recommend unsubscribing from the RSS feed because you'll get more with the new emails. If you need help contact me at: pumpkinemilysmiles@gmail.com
If your new here just follow these steps:
1. You will need to sign up to get these desktop wallpapers. After you enter your email, you will be sent a confirmation email.
Your second option is to be subscribed to both if you want but I recommend unsubscribing from the RSS feed because you'll get more with the new emails. If you need help contact me at: pumpkinemilysmiles@gmail.com
If your new here just follow these steps:
1. You will need to sign up to get these desktop wallpapers. After you enter your email, you will be sent a confirmation email.
2. After you confirm your email you will get another email that will have the link in a shape of a button to the desktop wallpapers. The link will send you to Dropbox.
3. Once you get to Dropbox, you are going to click on the image that you want and click download at the top right corner of Dropbox's website. Then the image will download to your computer.
If you don't see the email check your spam or junk folder!
If you don't see the email check your spam or junk folder!
You can sign up here:
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